St. Vincent Proclaims John Mayer’s “Daughters” The Worst Song Ever

St. Vincent Proclaims John Mayer’s “Daughters” The Worst Song Ever

During a recent interview with Kerrang!, St.Vincent did not hold back when she was asked what she thinks is the “worst song ever written.” The three-time Grammy Award-winning singer eventually chose “Daughters” by John Mayer, due to its blatant sexism and saccharine misogyny. “It’s just so hideously sexist but it pretends to be a love…

During a recent interview with Kerrang!, St.Vincent did not hold back when she was asked what she thinks is the “worst song ever written.” The three-time Grammy Award-winning singer eventually chose “Daughters” by John Mayer, due to its blatant sexism and saccharine misogyny. “It’s just so hideously sexist but it pretends to be a love song, but it’s really, really retrograde and really sexist,” she said. “And I hate it… It’s so deeply misogynistic, which would be fine if you owned that, but it pretends like it’s sweet.”

Mayer’s 2x-platinum 2003 single went on to win Song of the Year at the 2005 Grammy Awards, so his sugary but sexist tune clearly won over the Recording Academy as well as millions of music fans. But “Daughters” does contain cringeworthy, outdated lyrics instructing fathers to be good to their daughters or else they will grow up and have personal issues that lead them to being in unsuccessful relationships with men like John Mayer. (Consequence of Sound)


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